Wednesday, July 9, 2014


My time in El Salvador was humbling, grounding, rewarding, challenging, and eye-opening.  When Maria and I decided to serve in El Salvador I knew our faith would be tested, our personal relationship with Christ would mature, and our relationship would grow as we leaned on one another for encouragement ... while I was unsure how each of the aforementioned things would occur, I experienced God's love through interactions with people I never expected, and witnessed the depths of sin and the reality of corruption, violence, and brokeness El Salvadorians live with each day.

I am so thankful to be able to serve others.  Being removed from our normal routines and comforts of home helps stretch and grow us.  The work was hard, it was hot and dirty, we were all drenched with sweat, I didn't smell good most of the time, but we were able to work on a home's foundation that will serve as a Christian-based launch pad into adulthood for young adults that came from family situations we can't even imagine --- and this is the reason I will gladly serve again and again, to provide others the opportunity that Christ gave me --- a fresh start.

I will never forget delivering food provisions to the local community ... families lived in homes built of a hodgepodge of materials, and in conditions most Americans couldn't imagine.  Meeting Mr. Castro was incredible - from anyones perspective he was "dealt a bad hand" ... his family abandoned him, he was recovering from prostate cancer, has other medical conditions, lived in poor conditions, and his sons were affiliated with gangs ... yet he prayed for our team and thanked God repeatedly for all that had been blessed with.  The team's time with Mr. Castro humbled us all, and for me personally, was an incredible witness of leaning on God in all circumstances.

We experienced so many highs and lows during our trip; I will never forget the people we met, the work we did, and the impact that everyone had on the group and me personally.  The socioeconomic issues facing the people, and the resulting impacts to the family dynamic is real ... I pray organizations like those we worked with continue to make a real difference that will over time shift the culture of El Salvador.


How do you begin putting into words, things that were experienced with your mind, hands, body, heart and soul? This has been my dilemma in the days since we've returned from El Salvador. When people ask about our trip, I don't know how to respond, there was every mix of emotion in the short span of 7 days, how do I convey that in a few sentences of small talk?

First I'll say El Salvador is a beautiful country. If you can look past the garbage and sin that people have added to the land you can see some of God’s most beautiful creations. The lush rolling hills and mountains, the volcano with its cloud mist, and the vibrant fruit trees and flowers. From many areas you can feel the salty air rolling in from the pacific.

But about that sin: the people factor.

The women in store shacks on the side of the road trying to sell you the same coconuts and coke as the shack 3 feet away, the pollution, the traffic of old cars packed with far too many people, the non spoken but overwhelming sense to be overly aware of your surroundings, and the small boys that met our tourist bus outside the hotel each day, urged by their parents across the street, saying "a dollar for food please?" and trying to sell us small single roses.

Our time there opened my eyes to so many things. I now know why so many other countries dislike Americans and "think" we're all rich. We are.

We as Americans are consumers, complainers and work-aholics. We give money power but it's disposable to us, there to buy extra things, a couch, a car, and another pair of shoes. We say prayers of thanks for our food, that we never doubted would be there, most of us are not surprised to have 3 meals a day, or snacks, in fact in many ways our lives revolve around food. We say prayers for safe travels in our air-conditioned cars with seat belts and air bags, along paved roads with signs and speed limits, lined with rest stops for our convenience on our way to destinations such as the beach or the mountains for a weekend. And we complain about the driver in front of us, or the traffic or the fact that none of the radio stations are actually playing music.

And it disgusts me. It makes me angry that we have every resource and yet every excuse. We're overweight and come up with quick-fixes, we're in debt but buy more, we have every resource possible to know God in a country where we can believe or say or do anything that we want and yet we have excuses. We have hundreds of incredible churches, Christian radio stations, and outreach programs. We have homeless ministries, we have welfare for those who are unable or simply won't work, we have prison systems where murderers can earn their Bachelors degree while serving their time, we have animal's rights groups, we have a group to advocate for everything you can think of and it makes me sick, and yet so thankful. Thankful to be a part of this ridiculous world where you can be anything, say anything or do anything. Where money is just an object, a means for more of something. I have never felt more thankful to be an American and yet a little ashamed at the same time. Not for our freedom, or how it was earned, I’m extremely proud of those things, but ashamed rather in how we often use that freedom.

But this trip makes me ask more questions, why? And how can we all be children of God's? How can we all live on the same planet? This week I witnessed the aftermath of a homicide; A woman who likely died over $20-$50 at the hands of a gang member. I experienced poverty beyond anything I could ever fathom. Multiple families living in what we wouldn't even call a shack, 4 bamboo shoots wrapped in plastic tarp covered with tin scrap for a roof. Water sources that collected trash, and runoff from cows and a chicken factory, medical facilities that resembled WW1 conditions. Many of these people will never experience electricity, or running water, or indoor plumbing. They won't make in a month what I just spent on 4 frozen yogurts.

And yet, a man prayed over each of us in the middle of the jungle, praising God for the bag of beans and rice we brought. Praising Him for everything he'd been blessed with, asking Him to bless us and our families until Christ's return.

I learned about true faith over these few days. A deeper faith than I've ever experienced. People who put their entire being into God to provide literally for their survival through the day.
I also learned about sin, how powerful it is. I always knew that Jesus died for the whole world and for our personal sin but I experienced sin in a new way. I saw and experienced sin in a world where it wasn't shocking, it wasn't uncommon, it was ordinary and something about that resonated with how powerful sin truly is.

I continue to wonder and think about last week. In preparing for this trip I spoke with friends and I prayed and our team met in air conditioned rooms and sat in circles and learned about one another, however the reality is, nothing could have prepared us for this experience. God has done so much through only a few days in me and I know I am continuing to grow and that He is continuing to mold and change me from this trip. I could not have grown this way without so many people’s influences. Thank you for all of your prayers, for your donations, your open hearts and your encouragements. Thank you to NorthPoint and Global X for making these trips possible, and for organizing them so precisely that the task of getting there is actually the easiest. Thank you to my team. People I’d have otherwise never met, you all made such a difference in me. It is funny how quickly you bond with people when you’re digging through sewage in the rain ;) Thank you to my husband, Matt. I am so thankful that God never let the timing work out when I looked into mission trips before, He knew I’d need you. Thank you for your support always, and especially through all we experienced together through these few days. And of course, thank you God. Thank you for your infinite wisdom, your perfect timing, your incredible grace, your will and your ability to group such completely different people together to impact each other’s lives.

Some of my favorite memories & moments:

·      Watching the faces of all the people at Wendy’s when 16 gringos walked in and Laura had to order for all of us… what would we have done without you!?

·      Church service at the Union Church, the beautiful background, how people of completely different backgrounds came together to worship in one language.

·      Being taught how to make rainbow bracelets by one of the girls (Erika) and then me trying to teach another girl in spanish and Laura making jokes at my expense in Spanish. It made us all laugh.

·      Playing volleyball (not well) and finally having one point that lasted more than hitting the ball twice and high fiving Rosa.

·      Hearing the kids pray even in Spanish where I only understood a little, was powerful.

·      The bus ride to “The Farm,” what we got to see as “normal” life and how we all laughed and joked because it didn’t feel real. It felt like we were on a roller coaster ride!

·      The first day digging trenches in the rain. It was pouring and muddy and honestly, disorganized but our whole team was so eager to start and we worked HARD! Laughing with Laura and Roxanne as we worked on the back of the foundation. I think our crew got funnier and funnier as the day went on. 

·      Roxanne and her axe. I will never see another axe and not have this trip go through my head.

·      Making fun of the Captain… he frustrated our whole team but we were able to joke about it and keep working which spoke to how we lifted each other up and just made one another laugh. (a little more here, oh wait back fill, oh measure with the stick, nevermind here’s the tape measure. Oh yeah a few more inches here…!)

·      Gelato… I’m actually shocked we only got it 2x. AMAZING.

·      When anyone was taking a picture and Tucker was aware of it, he struck a manly pose, like putting his shovel behind his back or something…he wasn’t trying to be funny- he’s a teenage boy, but I always chuckled a little.

·      Drinking coke from the old glass bottles

·      Taco night with Gary and Sharon. The tacos were so good and fresh! Plus the faces of the brave/crazy team members who decided to eat a jalapeno raw…oops!

·      The field day with the kids, making masking tape bows, and dream catchers. But especially when we went to play the water toss games and we had fruit & veggie shaped balls to toss and the two smallest boys Ricardo & Manuel would hold one up and I’d say what it was in Spanish (mostly correct) and they would laugh and laugh and hold it up again. Essentially they were teaching a grown baby to speak Spanish.

·      When Manuel wanted soda he’d come up and say ella, and I’d ask him what my name was and he’d say “no,se” so I said “aw, no coke,” and we’d do this back and forth and he finally said, “ok, tu nombre es Maria.” And then I made him say por favor before getting his drink- the teacher in me of course.

·      Seeing the transition house and how this organization really plans for the success of the child for life.

·      Papusa night! The views, the city, the company and the food- though my team would debate this. Papusas are essentially corn tortillas and 90% grease, but so good!

·      My conversation with Carlos more about El Salvador and the organization and hearing about life there from a very clear view and learning his experience as an el Salvadorian adopted into a family.

·      Laughing hysterically when Roxanne got her “to-go baggie for her drink!”

·      Delivering food to the areas around the farm, was by far the most powerful experience. Luciano praying for us as a whole and each of us individually. I was the last person down and was sobbing after hearing each prayer for each person and walked straight to Matt for a hug while crying.

·      Using the truck to transport all the granite dust from the bottom of the hill to the top and feeling very productive! Even Manuel our bus driver was helping us! That was awesome.

·      When we were pulling and pushing the wheel barrows of dirt that we’d already dug a million times before (3rd world country construction) and people were frustrated and exhausted….and the captain finally showed up and shot down our plan, so we decided he could help push the wheelbarrow (a small victory)… and after doing it 2x he decided we didn’t need to do anymore. We all got a little giggle of satisfaction.

·      Loading up the trucks on the last day of construction and taking photos infront of the beautiful scenery with ilapango in the background! We all had such excitement and energy.

·      Being able to get back to the room and discuss my thoughts and perspectives with my husband especially during the intense times and frustrating times. He provided such a great outlook and reminded me we’re there on God’s mission not our own.

·      Dinner at La Hacienda with just our team. We laughed and shared and really connected over the week…Bryan’s attempts at Spanish also really livened the conversation. Hehe!

·      Laura (with me and matt) Playing a prank on Wayne the last night, then waking up at breakfast and hearing he thought it was Bryan and therefore called Laura to have her prank him…not realizing it was really Laura who prank called Wayne to begin with. 

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