Wednesday, June 4, 2014

¿Habla español?

With a short 10 DAYS left to our departure date, we continue to cram any expression or word in Spanish that may help us communicate with the children and families that we will be meeting and spending the week with.  Only ONE of our team members fluently speaks Spanish, so we've been trying to learn basic expressions from her that might be useful to us once we get to the Ranch.  Check out what we've learned so far!

Lesson #1: Hola, ¿cómo te llamas? - Hi! What's your name?  (o-la co-mo tay yah-mahs)

Lesson #2: ¿Quieres jugar? - Do you want to play? (key-air-es who-gar)

Lesson #3- Que Diós te bendiga: May God bless you (Kay dee-os tay ben-dee-gah)

Lesson #4: "Te ayudo con algo?" - can I help you with something? (Tay ah-you-doe con ahl-go)

Lesson #5: Me gusta mucho! - I like it a lot! (Meh goo-stah  moo-cho)

1 comment:

  1. And we are REALLY GLAD to have at least one of us speaking Spanish fluently!


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